Bond Offer launching next week! Join us for one of our roadshow events.


To all friends of Westmill Solar,

Our bond offer is now live on the Ethex website! To invest follow the link below and place your order. Please note that capital is at risk and returns are not guaranteed.




Please remember that this offer is available on a first come, first served basis so make sure to place your order soon should you not wish to miss out. Existing Westmill members must only invest via the link sent to you via email.

In addition, the Board would like to invite you to join one of the Bond Roadshow presentations which we have arranged to promote the Bond Offer. These are taking place at various venues around the Westmill site over the next couple of weeks as follows:


Saturday 5 October 10am – Shrivenham Memorial Hall (Viscountess Barrington’s Memorial Hall, Highworth Road, Shrivenham, SN6 8BL)

Saturday 5 October 2pm – Highworth Community Centre (The Dormers, Highworth, Swindon SN6 7PQ)

Sunday 6 October 10am – Lechlade Memorial Hall (Oak Street, Lechlade, GL7 3AY)

Saturday 12 October 10am – Faringdon Corn Exchange (Corn Market, Faringdon, SN7 7JA)

Saturday 12 October 2pm – Swindon – Community Centre at Christchurch (Cricklade Street, Old Town, Swindon, SN1 3HB)


These events are all relatively informal and oppen to everyone so please share this invitation with any family, friends and neighbours who you think might be interested in joining Westmill Solar. There will be a 30-minute presentation explaining the Bond Offer followed by the opportunity to ask questions, obtain additional information and meet other members and potential new investors.

If you would like to attend, it would be helpful if you could let us know in advance by clicking below so that we have a better idea of likely numbers.



We look forward to seeing you at one of these events and thank-you again for your continuing support.

Yours sincerely

Tom Parkinson
Chair, Westmill Solar Co-operative Limited


  1. Jeff Wilson-Reply
    3rd October 2019 at 7:42 am

    Sir, What level of subscription would you be expecting, and for what period of time?
    Thank you, Jeff Wilson

    • Sam Parkinson-Reply
      3rd October 2019 at 11:07 am

      Dear Jeff,

      We are looking to raise £1 million via a 5 year bond with an expected interest rate of 5% per annum. Investors will be able to invest a maximum of £2,500 into the project and will also become a member of the co-operative.

      Kind regards,
      The Westmill Solar Team

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