Westmill Co-operatives Welcome International Academic

This month, Westmill Wind and Westmill Solar Co-operatives welcomed Korean Academic Dr. Jongick Jang, Ph.D. for an online conversation with Tom Parkinson, Chair of Westmill Solar Co-operative and an in-person visit with Sarah Flood, the Westmill Solar Company Secretary, at our Oxford office.

Dr. Jang is a lecturer at Hanshin University, located near Seoul, and has extensive experience researching co-operatives. He had heard about the Westmill Co-operatives and wanted to learn more for his current research into the innovative aspects of the co-operative model and co-operative challenges in the energy transition. As part of this, he is looking at the development and innovation of UK and German renewable energy co-operatives. He aims to find solutions for problems related to the small scale of energy co-operatives in Korea, compared to the market.

Dr. Jang spoke with Tom Parkinson regarding the history of both Westmill Co-operatives, member participation and community ownership, and the community outreach that is achieved through WeSET and the Community Grants given out by Westmill Solar. They also discussed the financial background of the Westmill Co-operatives and the future of the site.

We wish Dr. Jang all the best with his research and hope to invite him back for an in-person visit to the Westmill Site.

The Westmill Co-operatives are committed to supporting academic research and are eager to share our story as an exemplar of what can be achieved in community renewable energy. If you would like to contact the Westmill Co-operatives for your academic research, please email us at info@westmillsolar.coop.

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