Shareholder queries, about the park or our co-operative model
The following is a list of our most commonly asked questions. Some are specific to being a shareholder and others relate to the Solar Park or the co-operative model. If you can’t find what you are looking for then please just drop us a line at info@westmillsolar.coop or call us on 01367 610001.
Co-Operative Model Questions

What does it mean that you are a Co-operative?
How much money did you raise?
Who benefits?
Do local people receive a discount on energy bills as a result of involvement in the project?
Has this been done before?
Could Westmill Solar Co-operative help me set-up something similar?
Our board members convened and led discussions that helped shape what CEE should be and we provided some administrative capacity whilst this body established itself. Community Energy England has been established to act both as a voice for the sector and as an information hub to share knowledge and expertise.
In 2014 Westmill Solar helped out a neighbouring scheme in development – Charlbury Solar. Charlbury Solar needed a small amount of capital to secure their grid connection agreement, which Westmill provided to them on an ‘at risk’ basis. Westmill directors have also supported the formation of Cuckmere Community Solar.
If you are considering setting up something similar then there are a number of organisations whom you may wish to speak to regards co-operatives and community renewables:
Solar Park Questions
How is the Solar Park performing?
What happens if the panels are damaged or vandalised?
Can I visit the site?
Will you upgrade the solar park in future years as solar technology improves?

Shareholder Questions

How do I update my personal details?
What payments have been made to date?
- 2p per share – 31/06/2014
- 10p per share – 31/06/2015
- 6p per share – 31/06/2016
- 2p per share – 31/12/2016
- 7p per share – 31/06/2017
- 7p per share- 06/07/2018
- 12p per share- 01/08/2019
- 12p per share- 01/08/2020
- 12p per share – 26/08/2021
- 10p per share – 03/08/2022
No interest payment was made in 2013. As stated in the fund-raising prospectus, we planned to make our first payment after the first full year of trading. As the Co-operative only became the owner of the solar farm on 31st October 2012, the financial year 2012 only included two months of trading. The first full year of trading for the Co-operative was therefore 2013 and a payment in respect of that year was made in 2014.
Historic capital repayments are as follows:
- 20% of shares in 10/11/14
- 12.5% of shares in 31/09/17
When will I receive my annual payment?
Where can I access a copy of my tax certificate for my most recent interest payment?
Can I opt to waive my interest payment to augment the Community Fund?
What if I've not received an interest payment?
Is a capital repayment subject to tax?
What if I need my invested money back?
What happens when I die?
Who do you bank with?
Will a capital repayment affect the amount of interest I receive?
These capital repayments reduce the overall number of shares you hold, but it will not reduce the proportion of interest you will receive. Distribution of profit is calculated by dividing the amount of monies to be paid out to members by the total number of shares.
If you would like further clarification regarding this, please email info@westmillsolar.coop