Library of key documents
This page is a resource for all those interested in Westmill Solar Co-operative. It provides up-to-date information from board meetings and also acts as a library of key documents.
The next Westmill Solar Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on the 22nd of June in person at FarmED or online via Zoom, at 12noon.
To register to attend, please visit the Energy4All Member Portal.
The latest Westmill Solar Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on the 10th of June 2023 via Zoom.
Draft minutes (until approved at the 2024 AGM) can be found below.
Governance & Offer Documents
The co-operative is governed in a very democratic way with each member having one vote, irrespective of the size of their shareholding. The majority of shareholders invested between £250 and £20,000 for A-shares under the public share offer back in 2012. In order to comply with the law applicable at the time, those members who invested more than £20,000 were issued with a separate class of B-shares (which had slightly more limited rights than the A-shares) but following a change to the law in 2014, all the remaining B-shares were converted to A-shares in October 2015.
In 2019, Westmill Solar launched and successfully raised a £1 million bond offer to provide a measured increase to the membership of Westmill Solar, repay part of our existing secured loan from LPPI and to help further develop the Society’s activities.