Westmill Trading Dividend
*You must be a member of Westmill Wind or Westmill Solar to be eligible to apply for the Westmill Trading Dividend*
*Sign-ups are now open*
Westmill Wind and Westmill Solar are pioneering Co-operatives. One of our long-term goals is to enable members to buy the electricity that we collectively generate. The Trading Dividend is another step along this path. It was first introduced in 2021 following overwhelming support from the members when questioned as part of a survey in late 2020.
What is the Trading Dividend?
The Trading Dividend is a payment to members for purchasing the electricity we produce. It is similar to the vouchers provided by retail co-ops to their members. Our Trading Dividend will be paid as a credit on the electricity bills of those members of Westmill Solar and Westmill Wind who buy their electricity through Your Co-op Energy.
The amount of the Trading Dividend is agreed each year at the Westmill Solar and Westmill Wind Annual General Meetings.
The Westmill Wind and Westmill Solar boards have sought to create a closer connection between the electricity we generate and the electricity used by our members. It is something that members have requested. It also enhances member economic participation, one of the seven guiding co-operative principles set out by the International Co-operative Alliance.
Another of the ICA’s principles is cooperation among Co-operatives and Your Co-op Energy have been a key partner to the community energy sector, sourcing electricity from around 90 community generators, including Westmill Solar and Westmill Wind.
How to apply
The window for applications for the Trading Dividend is now open.
If you have previously registered for the scheme and still purchase your electricity from Your Co-op Energy, then you will be automatically registered for this year’s scheme and you do not need to do anything.
If you are not already registered for the scheme but are already buying your electricity from Your Co-op Energy, please follow this link to register: https://energy.yourcoop.coop/westmilldividend/. You need to register by 28th February 2025 to receive the dividend payment for 2024. You will need your Westmill membership number and your Your Coop Energy account number to register.
If you are not currently buying your electricity from us via Your Co-op Energy, we ask you to consider doing so. Co-op Energy are the only UK energy supplier that offer a Community Owned Renewable Energy Tariff.
The electricity price cap means that the Your Co-op Energy variable tariff is competitive with other suppliers although we are conscious that Your Co-op Energy do not offer an EV tariff (which is something we hope will change in future years). You can switch to Co-op Energy using this link: https://energy.yourcoop.coop/our-tariffs/https://energyswitching.yourcoop.coop/quote. Once you have switched, you then need to register for the dividend by 28th February 2025 to receive payments by using the link https://energy.yourcoop.coop/westmilldividend/.
Trading Dividend FAQs
What is the Trading Dividend?
The Trading Dividend is a payment to members for purchasing the electricity that Westmill produces. Our Trading Dividend will be paid as a credit on the electricity bill of those members of Westmill Wind and Westmill Solar who buy their electricity through Your Co-op Energy
How will the Trading Dividend work?
Westmill Solar members must apply to receive the Trading Dividend via a form on the Your Co-op Energy webpage. https://energy.yourcoop.coop/westmilldividend/
If you are already a Your Co-op Energy customer, you will simply need to enter your customer number in the form to confirm your eligibility.
If you are not already a Your Co-op Energy customer, then you will need to switch to Your Co-op Energy ahead of applying for the Trading Dividend.
Once you have signed up to the scheme as a Your Co-op Energy customer then you do not need to take any further action. Your Co-op Energy will provide Westmill Solar and Westmill Wind with the details of the customers who have successfully registered this year and from previous years and the Co-operatives will each validate from their records that you are indeed a member.
Eligibility for the Trading Dividend will be conditional on the relevant household remaining a Your Co-op Energy customer until the date that the Trading Dividend is paid. Payment is expected to be made in April and will appear as a credit on each relevant member’s energy bill. Although the payment is made through members’ energy bills, the money for the Trading Dividend ultimately comes from Westmill Wind and Westmill Solar. The amount of the dividend will therefore be decided by Westmill Wind and Westmill Solar and it will be included in the annual accounts as payments from the two Co-operatives to their respective members.
How much will the Trading Dividend be?
The amount of the Trading Dividend is discussed and agreed at the Westmill Wind and Westmill Solar Annual General Meetings.
In 2024 it has been agreed to pay £50 per household per co-operative, for both Westmill Solar and Westmill Wind. This means that if you are a household with members of both Westmill Solar and Westmill Wind your household will be entitled to £100 under this scheme.
How do I know if I have already signed up?
If you were signed up for the 2023 Trading Dividend, you will see it credited on your Energy Bill as ‘Loyalty Reward’ during April 2024. If you can see this credit on your Your Co-op Energy statement, then you are already signed-up for the 2024 Trading Dividend and no further action is needed.
If you do not have access to your previous bills from Your Co-op Energy, you will not be penalised for signing-up again. If you are in doubt, you are welcome to complete the sign-up form again for peace of mind. We will be checking all previous applicants for continued eligibility alongside applicants from this year.
If you have further questions about receiving the 2024 Trading Dividend, please contact the Your Co-op Energy customer service line on 0808 164 1088 for further specifics on your account.
I am having difficulties switching to Your Co-op Energy via the link, who can I contact for help?
Please contact the Your Co-op Energy customer service line on 0808 164 1088 if you have any problems switching your provider or need information about your account.
What if I am a member of both Westmill Wind and Westmill Solar – or there is more than one Westmill member in the household?
Each member household will be entitled to a maximum of one Westmill Wind Trading Dividend and one Westmill Solar Trading Dividend. If you and your partner are both members of Westmill Solar Co-operative, your household will only be entitled to one Westmill Solar Trading Dividend and you can choose who applies.
If you are a member of both Westmill Solar and Westmill Wind then please select the “Wind and Solar” option in the Trading Dividend question on the form.
If you are a member of one of the Co-operatives and someone else in your household is a member of the other then please both apply and Your Co-op Energy will then apply both the Westmill Solar Trading Dividend and the Westmill Wind Trading Dividend to your Your Co-op customer account.
Who are the organisations involved with the Trading Dividend scheme? Are Octopus Energy and Your Co-op Energy the same thing?
The key organisations involved in the Westmill Trading Dividend scheme are Westmill Wind and Westmill Solar Co-operatives and Your Co-op Energy.
Your Co-op Energy is an energy provider with a focus on community energy. They are one of the largest purchasers of community-owned renewable energy in the UK and they purchase electricity from both Westmill Wind and Westmill Solar Co-operatives.
Your Co-op Energy are a part of the Midcounties Co-operative. In 2019 Your Co-op Energy partnered with Octopus Energy. Your Co-op Energy is a white label of Octopus Energy. In practice what this means is that Your Co-op Energy add their brand, they promote the tariffs and provide switching support through their website and call centre. Octopus Energy provide customer services and administrative support.
As mentioned above, it is Your Co-op Energy, and not Octopus Energy, who purchase electricity from Westmill Wind and Westmill Solar Co-operatives which is why your supplier needs to be Your Co-op Energy for you to be eligible for the Westmill Trading Dividend scheme.
Your Co-op Energy views the partnership with Westmill Wind and Solar as a positive for their co-operative principles, particularly Principle 6: cooperation among co-operatives. Westmill Wind and Westmill Solar Co-operatives also value the relationship with Your Co-op Energy. Their cooperation with Your Co-op Energy enhances two of their guiding principles: cooperation with other co-operatives and member economic participation.
Does Your Co-op Energy have a tariff for Electric Vehicle charging or for homes with solar panels?
Unfortunately, not at this time, however, EV tariffs are something Co-Op Energy hope to introduce in future years.
Since partnering with Octopus, Co-op Energy’s focus has been on ensuring quality of service for their customers and the continued support for community energy generators through a specific Community Power tariff.
Can I switch away from Your Co-op Energy?
Will Westmill Wind and Westmill Solar receive any commission?
Any commission paid to Westmill Wind and Westmill Solar from Your Co-op Energy, for each household which becomes a Your Co-op Energy customer, will be automatically be used to fund our Community Funding Grants Scheme.